Testing Laboratory
We do care about quality. This is why we decided to create a testing laboratory, which is unique in Italy and recog-nized by IDFB (International Down and Feather Bureau). Our la-boratory monitors our products during all their production process, in order to check their quality and make sure that they comply with the requirements of the various international standards.
Performed tests:
⇒ Analysis of composition of down and feathers
⇒ Analysis of composition of mixes of down, feather and synthetic fibre
⇒ Analysis of animal species
⇒ Cleanliness test (Turbidity, NTU, Oxygen index, pH, Oil and Fat content)
⇒ Filling Power, HC/HR
⇒ Analysis of textiles (Air passage, downproofness, rotating box)
Did you know that?
⇒ Each single production lot is rigorously analysed in our laboratory
⇒ The composition analysis is a highly skilled test to be strictly performed by hand.
Special training and yearlong experience are needed to reach the necessary manual
⇒ Up to 6 hours are needed to thoroughly analyse 4g of down!
Traceability DTS
Our DTS (Down Tracking System) traceability system gathers any and all information
concerning the origin and the qual-itative characteristics of our products and allows us to
trace back the history of each single down
The DTS traceability system is so complete and detailed that our products meet the
requirements of all the main inter-national standards.
Minardi Piume can presently provide the following certificates:
⇒ RDS (responsible down standard)
⇒ GRS (global recycled standard)
Certifications and Acknowledgments
Certified by IDFL 007091
Certified by IDFL 010772